OSP - Moodle
Moodle is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that allows the classroom to extend onto the web. It is not a program to replace face-to-face teaching, but to support it with a range of flexible on-line tools, as well as providing a place to upload resources for course units. Each course unit supported by moodle typically has a single course site within the moodle environment. Moodle course site designers have many options available to them when setting up a course. They may choose to provide tools so you may interact with other students on your course (via discussion forums and wikis); upload assignments; access resources and much more. The moodle environment can accessed through any up-to-date web browser, however, we would recommend using either Mozilla, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. Other browsers may be used though some features, in particular moodle's HTML editor, may not be available. You can access moodle from anywhere (e.g. within the School or
from your home computer). Access is controlled by a username and password for each registered user (see below)